The spirit is my playground

The spirit is my playground
Oh the hues...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Home Remedies for Acidity and Heartburn

Synonym and Related keywords for acidity and heartburn: Indigestion, bloating, borborygmus and dyspepsia are all used to define this condition, which in many cases, occurs after eating.
Home Remedies for Acidity
  1. After the meals, take one piece of CLOVE(Laung) and suck on it slowly.  This not only gives instantaneous relief but also helps in reducing the onslaught of diseases arising out of acidity.
  2. Try chewing on a clove.  Eat a piece of Jaggery or Gur after lunch/dinner.
  3. Bananas have protective action against the acidity and heart burn. Daily eat a Bannana will help.
  4. Drink daily a 1 tsp juice of chebulic myroblan mixed with 1 tsp of amla (Indian gooseberry) juice.
  5. Another good remedy is the usage of Jaggery (Gudh) after the meals.  About 5 to 10 grams of a Jaggery piece taken after the meals helps in eliminating acidity, improves digestion and also helps in the expulsion of worms in small children.
  6. Aniseed or Saunf : Relieves abdominal pain, colon disorders, gas, gastrointestinal tract spasms. Effective for acidic stomach conditions (heartburn).
  7. Ginger: Ginger is useful for digestion disorders. Helps relieve indigestion from rich foods.
  8. Take equal amounts of ginger powder, black pepper, dried mint leaves, asafetida (hing), anise seeds, coriander seeds, cumin, fennel and common salt. Grind together to make a fine powder. Dosage: Take about 1 teaspoon of this powder with water, twice a day after meals.
  9. Drinking water gives immediate relief to symptoms like wind, distended stomach and acidity.
  10. Have a cup of vanilla ice cream or cold milk.
  11. Chew bubble-gum and acidity will disappear. This is an easy and best way to get rid of Acidity.
Quick Home Heartburn Remedies (This is actually different from acidity)
Finding a home remedy for heartburn is not difficult; you just have to know where to look! When you feel that pain in your chest starting to hit, there are natural heartburn remedies around the house that will provide you with instant relief. Whether you don't have medication or choose not to take any, this article will provide you with some easy to find home heartburn remedies.
Heartburn is becoming more and more prevalent as our lifestyles and diet habits are becoming poorer and poorer. Even though there are home heartburn remedies that will provide instant relief, you should consult a doctor and find out how to stop heartburn or acid reflux before it gets worse.
With that said, let's get to those home heartburn remedies.
1. Saliva will help ease your heartburn. Try swallowing some, and if you need help producing more saliva think of a food that you absolutely love, or chew some gum.
2. Oftentimes, heartburn occurs due to gas pressing on the stomach. Try to make yourself burp by drinking a carbonated beverage. This should relieve some of the gas pressure and help you feel better.
3. Drink plenty of water and other beverages. When heartburn occurs, water will help reduce the acidity in the stomach.
4. The best way to instantly cure heartburn or acid reflux is by using antacids or baking soda. These neutralize acid in the stomach, causing you to immediately feel better. Baking soda is readily available in any store, is inexpensive, and you probably already have it around the house.
5. Do you have tea lying around? Herbal tea will make you feel better, especially ginger tea.
6. Aloe Vera has also proven to be a great heartburn home remedy. It has an alkalizing effect on the body, meaning it will help neutralize acid, and thus will relieve your heartburn. Aloe Vera juice is readily available in capsule or liquid form in many supermarkets and stores.
7. THE MOST important home heartburn remedy; you must lose weight and stop smoking. Both of these have been linked to heartburn and acid reflux, and are essential to your overall health.
This list should help you relieve your heartburn using easy home remedies, but they are no substitute for serious medical care. If you are experiencing severe, often heartburn pain you should immediately consult a doctor. If your heartburn is a rare occurrence, then by all means give these options a shot.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

On popular demand- home remedies to common problems

I would be running posts on common problems and their home remedies. My first post is addressing the problem of Acidity. Please feel free to write anything else which you feel needs special attention. You can write in the Comments and I will run a post accordingly.

Building Self Discipline

Step by step approach to building Self Discipline

"If we don't discipline ourselves, the world will do it for us."-William Feather

Most of the people confuse building self discipline with increasing the will power. Willpower is more about inner strength and discipline focuses on external control. Self-discipline is the training and control of oneself and one's conduct, usually for personal improvement. Training yourself to be in control of your actions can dramatically change your life.

The first step towards discipline is being accountable for your own shortcomings. It is easy to rationalize undisciplined behaviors in our lives. Blaming outside circumstances, moods, or conditions will ultimately leave you feeling helpless in your attempt to change your habits. The sooner you can take responsibility for errors in discipline the sooner you will be able to turn things around.

Corporate PR representatives understand the value and effect that being responsible may have on the way their company is viewed. Whenever a corporation’s public image is in danger due to negligence on their part, the first statement that the public receives is an acknowledgement of wrong doing and an apology.
Shortly after that, a plan to reverse what has happened is usually put into place. If a car company released a vehicle that has safety issues, there is a mass recall. Then the company devises a plan to ensure that further measures are put into place to avoid a similar incident from happening.

This should be our approach as individuals. Whenever we have a standard that we live by, and we come short of standard, we should first acknowledge the shortcomings and then formulate a plan of action to reverse any damages. From there, we should look to put into place, measures that should prevent those shortcomings from reoccurring. The discipline to stick by those measures will be the key to success.

We need to discipline ourselves on two fronts, personal and professional.

Lets take a look at the personal discipline.
For the most part I am a very disciplined person who has built a reputation among some of my friends as having a large dose of willpower and focus. So how do I fall off the wagon sometimes? I analysed it from different angles and I eventually began to understand why I would stray from my disciplined routine. I began to identify my weaknesses and took action to prevent myself from sabotaging my own goals. One of the major steps I took was the elimination excuses. Now, what, you may ask, are those?
Well, we as a society have gotten very good at accepting excuses as truth. One of the main reasons procrastination is on the rise is due to individuals not being held accountable for their excuses. For example, if you called out from work and you gave the excuse that your kid was sick, it is very unlikely that your employer would follow up to see if you were telling the truth. Instead, you would get a sick leave and when you went back to work someone would ask, “Is your kid feeling better?” We are just as ready to believe the excuses we tell ourselves. Even if we know that they are not completely true, we accept them as truth.
Small lapses in our ability to control that voice in our heads that convinces us to do that thing that we don’t really want to do, result in a lack of control over our cravings, actions, and life. Once you’ve eliminated some of the excuses that have been holding you down, you are ready to tackle your personal problem head-on.

Identify the problem-What is it that you really want to be disciplined in? Do you have a weakness of eating unhealthy foods? Do you watch TV instead of working out? Do you avoid doing errands in your day until it’s too late? Whatever the problem is, narrow it down so that you are clear of where your lack of discipline seems to appear the most in your life.
Remove Distractions-It is Important that you remove those things that inhibit your ability to develop good habits. For example, if you can’t seem to eat unhealthy food when you are at home then remove all unhealthy food from your refrigerator.
Small Steps-Discipline is increased over time. If you begin to make small changes in your routine daily, you will begin to build the discipline muscle over a longer period of time.
Eye on the Prize-Even though you are making small strides towards being more disciplined, it is important that you keep your focus on where you ultimately want to be. Use affirmations to remind yourself of what you would like to accomplish and stay reminded of the negative outcomes that will occur if you do not complete your goal.
Stay Motivated- On the way to becoming self-disciplined, being motivated will give you the extra push you need when you are tempted to fall into your old undisciplined patterns. Building discipline is hard work and that’s why most people don’t have it. But if you can stay motivated enough to make it through the difficult times, you will be one of the few people that have the ability to conquer themselves.
Review -Take the time after each day or week to review what you have done to build your ability to be self-disciplined and note the results of those actions.  Do not expect your life to be completely transformed after one day of self-discipline.  However, there should be at least a small change that you can note and use as a small encouragement.
“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.”-Aristotle

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Angels - A myth or for real?

Are there Angels?
This is a question that many have pondered over. Regardless of what your reaction had been to this thought, the fact is that angels have been referenced in almost every culture in the world. There are angels in Christian, Judaic and Islamic traditions. Angels were reported in ancient Assyrian and Mesopotamian legends, as well as, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism and Taoism. Regardless of education, spiritual orientation, or geographic location a common belief exists in helpful ‘spirit beings’. They have gone by many names: ancient Greeks called them ‘horae’, Vikings called them ‘valkyries’ and in Persia they were ‘farishte’. Traditionally, in Shamanism there are reports of ‘birdlike spirits’ ascending from the sky.
Before I continue, please understand that your religious beliefs, if any, do not matter in this scenario - because what I want to focus on with you is not the traditional religious interpretation of these otherworldly beings... But rather the concept that there are forces existing in a plane beyond our own, who are capable of influencing your life in many incredible ways.

Once You can connect with your Angel it will be able to Give You:
A rush of divine inspiration when you’re visualizing, writing, painting, making music, or doing any form of creative work (so you never have to stare into blank space feeling stuck or lost).
A solution to strengthening your relationships by helping you understand and communicate better with your spouse, kids or friends – or even by sparking a chain of events that lead to you meeting your soulmate.
Career guidance by giving you the inspiration and clarity to make better decisions at work or bond better with your co-workers.
Better physical and emotional health by training you to be more in tune with your body, so you can make better healthrelated decisions and even detect otherwise unrecognizable signs of illness that your body is giving you.
Enhanced spirituality by helping you control your thoughts and emotions, connect with your higher self, and find and pursue your life purpose.

When I started communicating with my spiritual guide, I did it quite accidentally. I was going through a very deep emotional crisis and I felt I was loosing my interest in living. My son was very young at that time and so, I had that guilty feeling that this state of mind was very unethical towards my son. In anguish, I just called out loud “What can I do, I don’t want to live yet I must. This is so unfair and I don’t even know what is the right thing”. To my amazement I felt as though someone said that Life is much more than this feeling and I felt a warm glow around myself. I was in such depths of despair that I did not realize that I started conversing with this voice in my head and slowly, I had calmed down. I gathered my scattered wits and composed myself. Then it suddenly hit me that I had been talking to someone and that I was very calm and composed! It is after this realization that I started analysing the moments that had passed and realized that I could call that voice by any name, even my guardian angel, if I so desired. Since that day, I consciously developed my communication with this Spirit being and have never felt lost and alone. In my case, I always sense it as a voice in my head. There are many people who get their answers and messages in their dreams by their spiritual guides. The experience varies from individual to individual.
No matter how you perceive these beings, angels serve one simple purpose - to guide you in your life. They are messengers of divine knowledge. We live in a physical world and wether you believe God created this world, or that it evolved naturally--we are bound by the physical forces of nature. But something does exist beyond the appearance of the physical, something beyond what your five senses can perceive; the world of Spirit.
Regardless of your personal spiritual beliefs, this spirit world is connected to the source of light and is founded in unconditional love. Angels come from this world and their purpose is to assist humans with their journey through the physical world. This doesn’t mean, however, that angels can impose their agendas on the physical world. In fact, angels don’t have an agenda. They are present only as neutral guides to help illuminate our path.

Well, more on this topic later….till then try to become aware of your spiritual guide and those 10 to 15 minutes of watching your thoughts float by is the first step towards enhancing your being to experience the subtle spirit!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Relaxation Techniques for you

Is your life filled with anxiety and stress? Does the thought of feeling calm and peaceful as you go about your daily work seem impossible to you? If you can set aside some time to learn some easy relaxation methods you can experience the numerous benefits of relaxation for yourself and you can enjoy the FEEL GOOD factor.
Most of us have experienced periods of stress in our lives more frequently than we would have liked. And we’ve all heard some of those common techniques such as taking a walk or doing deep breathing exercises. It doesn't matter how you relax. What really matters is that you should learn how to RELAX RIGHT. Adapting a relaxing technique, which depends on meditation, is a key factor in harvesting all the health benefits of relaxation. Guided meditation can help you get into a trance state which can maximize the effects of relaxation on your body and soul. But if you’re looking for  different, simple methods of stress relief, try the ideas below.

1. Time Management
One of the main reasons people feel stressed is because they have poor time management skills. Work on changing that by setting daily reachable goals, maintaining a calendar so nothing creeps up on you at the last minute, and learning how to say no. These simple steps will make you feel less stressed and will make you more productive.

2. Laughter
Laughing and feeling overwhelmed by stress are not compatible. Next time you feel stressed watch your favorite comedy on television or your favorite movie that makes you laugh. Read some funny comics or jokes on the Internet when you feel stressed at work. And remember that life is not something you want to take too seriously.

3. Mindful Eating
You may have heard of mindful meditation in which you focus your mind on what is going on at any specific moment. Mindful eating is a part of that process except you use it while you are eating. Pay attention to eat bite and slowly focus on enjoying each one. This will help you unwind by taking your mind off of other concerns.

4. Intimacy
Research has shown that something as simple as cuddling with your spouse or significant other for 30 minutes on the couch or before going to bed, can lower blood pressure and decrease stress.

5. Self Hypnosis
You can spend 20 to 30 minutes per day working on self hypnosis to help you improve your stress levels. Use suggestions such as “I can feel my stress melting away” or “I can confidently handle any problem that comes my way.” These suggestions will make a big impact on how you deal with stress daily.

6. Positive Affirmations
Give yourself a few words of encouragement every day. When you get stuck saying only negative things to yourself, you’re going to feel negative and that contributes to your stress. By reminding yourself that you are talented, hard working, and smart, you’ll be more capable to handle the hard times without feeling overwhelmed.

7. Healthy Eating
Change your eating habits. Eating healthier gives your body and mind the stamina needed to deal with stress. If you start eating too much because of stress, you could end up in a vicious circle of overeating, feeling stressed about ruining your diet, and eating more to make those feelings go away.

8. Scalp Massage
You know that massage is one of the best destressing technique. But you may not have thought about scalp massage. To do this, place your thumbs on your head behind your ears and use the rest of your palms to move your scalp around. This can be a great way to unwind while you’re in traffic.

9. Color Visualization
An interesting method of stress relief involves closing your eyes and breathing deeply. Now picture that you are floating in the air above a huge pool of the color blue (known for its relaxation properties). Take a deep breath and inhale some of that color into your body. Each time you inhale, feel more relaxed and more in tune with the color.

10. Oak Tree Meditation
When people feel overwhelmed by everything going on around them, they might not feel strong enough to get through it and that causes a lot of stress. Instead, close your eyes and imagine that you are an oak tree. Picture your skin as the hard trunk and imagine the feeling of things sliding off of your bark without doing any damage. Each time you feel overwhelmed, picture yourself as that tree.

I hope you would be able to adopt some of these and destress....

Monday, March 21, 2011

Calming the wild horses of the mind - Self Development

Hi there again…
I have been talking about Self Discipline right? I have also stated that it all starts with the mind. Ok, if you pay a little attention to your mind, you would realise that it seems to move in numerous directions at the same time! The result is a constant chatter in the mind. The thoughts come and go so fast that it is a difficult task to hold on to them!

The first step in self discipline is to stop this chatter and clatter in the mind. In The Bhagwat Gita, Arjun had also been told this, and, he had said to Lord Krsna that it is extremely difficult to quieten the mind ! In fact, it is as difficult as controlling the wind ! To which Krsna had replied that no doubt it is difficult to control but it can be done with suitable PRACTICE. Sure, point taken. The question is what and how to practice?

Alright, we can start by studying our mind first. Sit down in a quiet place and just focus on your mind. I mean just sit quietly and study the thoughts as they arise in your mind. Don’t do anything….Just watch them come and go. You would soon realise that your attention keeps moving away from studying the thoughts! Well, the point here is to do nothing. Everytime you become aware that your attention has wandered, gently bring it back. Do this for 10 minutes everyday for a week and you will find that slowly the bomabardment of thoughts have slowed down in your mind. Once, you have reached this state of mind we would move ahead on Self discipline. You are most welcome to post your questions and I would guide you step by step in your endeavour.

Till next post………

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Our Body Charkras - Energy System

The Human Energy System

Your 7 Chakras are the energy ecosystem of your body. Each corresponds to a different aspect of your life such as wealth, love, health and creativity.
This system maintains us on top form, ensuring that we have plenty of vitality and enthusiasm for life. But it can be damaged, especially by the hectic lifestyle that many of us lead these days. Keeping the energy system strong helps us to stay fit and healthy, to recover from illness, and to get the best from ourselves.
The New Age movement has led to an increased interest in the West regarding chakras. Many in this movement point to a correspondence between the position and role of the Chakras, and those of the glands in the endocrine system. Some people in New Age also claim that other chakras, besides the above, exist - for instance, ear chakras.
The chakras are described in the tantric texts the Sat-Cakra-Nirupana, and the Padaka-Pancaka, in which they are described as emanations of consciousness from Brahman, an energy which comes down from the spiritual and gradually crudifies, creating these distinct levels of chakras, and which eventually finds its rest in the Muladhara chakra.

Blocked energy in our 7 Chakras can often lead to illness so it's important to understand what each Chakra represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.

Here's our quick summary of the 7 Chakras:

1. Root Chakra - Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.
Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.
Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food.
More on Root Chakra healing

2. Sacral Chakra - Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences.
Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in.
Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality.
More on Sacral Chakra healing

3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.
Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.
Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem.
More on Solar Plexus Chakra healing

4. Heart Chakra - Our ability to love.
Location: Center of chest just above heart.
Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace.
More on Heart Chakra healing

5. Throat Chakra - Our ability to communicate.
Location: Throat.
Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth.
More on Throat Chakra healing

6. Third Eye Chakra - Our ability to focus on and see the big picture.
Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra)
Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions.
More on Third Eye Chakra healing

7. Crown Chakra - The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually.
Location: The very top of the head.
Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss.