The spirit is my playground

The spirit is my playground
Oh the hues...

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Overcoming Fear – Understanding the basics

Are we ready to understand what this is all about? Lets see what we are and what this fear is. Before exploring what we are, we need to understand what life is and we also need to understand FEAR in relation to life. Life is nothing but a changing set of circumstances moment after moment. From the day we are born till the last moment of our breath, the circumstances are in the dynamic state of change every moment. As this is a never-ending continuous process, we are LIVING life. It is present continuous.

This, being the life defined, we are expected to experience the impact of every circumstance, every moment. This, experiencing the impact, is LIVING life! Actually, most of the problem of Fear is addressed if you can grasp the basics of all there is to life. Are you with me till here?

As you know, we don’t come here with ANYTHING, we don’t own anything and when we leave, we don’t take anything! So, whatever we have during this interim period, is with us due to the circumstances we are in. The natural tendency of every being is, that one starts thinking that whatever is there is our own! Once we convince ourselves that something is ours, we develop a sense of attachment to it. From attachment comes the delusion of ownership and FROM THE MISPLACED SENSE OF OWNERSHIP, ARISES THE FEAR OF LOSING IT!!! This misconception of the right to something which is a product of circumstance is the basis of fear.