The spirit is my playground

The spirit is my playground
Oh the hues...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Calming the wild horses of the mind - Self Development

Hi there again…
I have been talking about Self Discipline right? I have also stated that it all starts with the mind. Ok, if you pay a little attention to your mind, you would realise that it seems to move in numerous directions at the same time! The result is a constant chatter in the mind. The thoughts come and go so fast that it is a difficult task to hold on to them!

The first step in self discipline is to stop this chatter and clatter in the mind. In The Bhagwat Gita, Arjun had also been told this, and, he had said to Lord Krsna that it is extremely difficult to quieten the mind ! In fact, it is as difficult as controlling the wind ! To which Krsna had replied that no doubt it is difficult to control but it can be done with suitable PRACTICE. Sure, point taken. The question is what and how to practice?

Alright, we can start by studying our mind first. Sit down in a quiet place and just focus on your mind. I mean just sit quietly and study the thoughts as they arise in your mind. Don’t do anything….Just watch them come and go. You would soon realise that your attention keeps moving away from studying the thoughts! Well, the point here is to do nothing. Everytime you become aware that your attention has wandered, gently bring it back. Do this for 10 minutes everyday for a week and you will find that slowly the bomabardment of thoughts have slowed down in your mind. Once, you have reached this state of mind we would move ahead on Self discipline. You are most welcome to post your questions and I would guide you step by step in your endeavour.

Till next post………

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